Department of Urology


At Wellcare International Hospital, we think of it as our prime Responsibility to give fantastic clinical care to every one of our patients. Putting the patient at the center of our operations, we have created hearty quality guidelines, utilised master judgements and treatment designs and improved contamination and security conventions to render them the most proper treatment.


1.Very huge size vesicle calculus:

Removed from 48 years Male patient

2.Very huge size vesicle calculus:

Removed from 72 years Male patient Presented with Recurrent Urinary Infection and sometime suddenly blockage urine-Acute retention of urine.

3.Undesecended testes.

42 years male patient presented with pain and swelling in the Lt groin since 5 days. On Exploration it showed haemorrhage in the Undesecended Lt testes.