Hospital Overview

The company is a Private Ltd Company started in the year 2010 with two Directors. The aim of the hospital is to provide adequate medical facility to reach all the people in the society irrespective of their affordability and from where they are. One of the Directors is a professional himself who is a world renowned surgeon. It is because of his dedication and hard work the hospital is doing the best available treatment facility in small set up.
Dr. K. Rajendran, the managing Directors who himself is a surgeon served abroad for many years. His vision to bring all the latest available medical facilities which are prevailing in other countries should be brought over here to serve the people both local and NRI. Normally the time taken to bring the latest facility to India from abroad is a hard nut to crack so in order to cut short time gap the company decided to setup International standard hospital with all latest available facility in one roof.
More ever most of our patients are NRI and residing in Middle east (Dubai-entire UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and to some extend Europe), most of them are having international health insurance coverage already and also now it has become mandatory for all foreigners going for employment, that particular country is strictly adapting the policy to take health insurance coverage irrespective of their employment status.
One of our director very keenly observed that in spite their medical coverage facility available in abroad where they are working most of the Indian community including our Tamil people living there alone or with family, they are forced to come to their home country for the medical treatment because of various reasons like;
1. No supporting people while the patient is getting admitted in hospital (because everyone there are forced to go to work, if not they will have problem in their company). Whether they are lab our or officer.
2. There is a language barrier between the health care professional in abroad and our people – this is happens mostly with labour class, especially our Tamil people.
3. Post treatment care is not possible there because most of them are living as a bachelor.
4.More ever the company – employer not willing to keep the sick employee because of their risk involving in many places like ministry of health, ministry of interior and ministry of external affairs, in case something goes wrong in the employee’s life.
5. In most of the situation the employers takes an air ticket and send them to their home country even in very serious condition unless the air craft carrier is refuse to board.
6. With so much of difficulty, after landing in their home country here they are not able to use their health insurance coverage card because there are no such hospitals here. Finally they have to pay from their own hard earned money.
7. Once the patient comes to India he will not get any other privileges from the company-like sick leave salary etc.

The NRI family in India also have other major obstacles that is one of his/her family member falls sick they are not able to use International health insurance coverage taken by their son/daughter or Husband/wife as there is no such International health insurance approved hospital mainly in Tamil Nadu.
The other serious problem the NRI person mainly labour class employee facing in abroad is, if he want to come and help the elderly parents/young children, he may not get leave at that crucial time.
By which either his International health insurance coverage (including his family members coverage scheme) nor his physical help is not available to his loved ones.
Since our director has gone to the bottom of the each and every patient in abroad as well as here, he has been self motivated to eliminate the obstacles in the life of an NRI or his/her family members, hence he started this venture of making this International standard hospital and to provide better and trouble free health care to his NRI and his family members in home country.
To come to this stage he has dedicated his life to serve these suffers and to provide life to them under one roof. The following measures were taken.
a. Purchased the land of nearly 1.25 acres to make an International standard hospital in Trichy town itself and preliminary earth works are going on.
b. Approached and obtained the International standard hospital plan drawing including the cost estimation.
c. Received the quotation for the International standard hospital furniture’s and medical equipments after visiting their countries factory. (For some of the items even advances amount paid and fixed the price.
d. Employed work force to do the background work like finding out the correct and more flexible International health insurance companies in different countries where our patients are there.
e. Fixing the prices for each and every investigation and procedures for different International health insurance companies.
f. Planned and working towards that for getting tie up International health insurance companies before grand inauguration of our new hospital.
g. Working towards the recruitment of medical and paramedical staffs to provide International standard health care.
h. Provisionally arrived income and expenditure of new hospital after vast work up with various International standard health care providers in different parts of the world.
Our Director is not going to stop with this project alone. He is also planning to start medical centers in different countries with his team of health care providers to give follow up treatment so as to attend immediately there itself, (if any health issue is coming to our patient). If the ailment is serious and the patient will be referred to our hospital in India. Our hospital team will take care of referred patient from airport itself and the patient will be admitted in our hospital line and he/she will be under our care with international standard healthcare by using the International health insurance.
If there is a need our director Dr.K. Rajendran will fly to the particular country so that he can do the procedure there itself in bigger hospitals. This is possible to him because he is having Medical practicising license in all most all these countries and if not he will get it soon before establishing the medical centre there.

Chairman and Director
Consultant General/Laparoscopic/Endoscopic
Metabolic & Obesity Surgeon.
Well Care Hospital and Research Institute (P) Ltd,
Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India.PIN:620 018.